Affiliated Organizations

Association of Mayors of the Boroughs of PA
The purpose of the Association is to secure a closer official and personal relationship among the mayors of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and to secure unity of action in matters pertaining to the mayors and their duties. For more information, contact Diane Smith, Secretary, at

Chrostwaite Institute
Pennsylvania is confronting a host of new challenges that are crucial to the Commonwealth's future. In an effort to address these pressing issues, the Chrostwaite Institute will analyze systemic enhancements in government, pursue collaborative research ventures and provide educational opportunities for decision-makers that may effectively promote local and regional economies throughout Pennsylvania. The Institute's activities are dedicated to improving areas such as government efficiency, investment in core communities, fiscal stability, transportation, water infrastructure, community and economic development. Pennsylvania must also foster local leadership capacity, promote civic engagement and counter the growing crisis of young talent exiting our Commonwealth in favor of other state economies. For more information, visit

PA Association of Municipal Administrators
The PA Association of Municipal Administrators (PAMA) was established in 1959 to recognize the professionalism of the municipal administrator and to improve standards and practices in the profession through educational programs. For more information visit or contact Mary Weller, Executive Director, at 800-232-7722, Ext. 1026 or

PA Borough Councils Association
There are 955 boroughs in the Commonwealth and over 8,000 council members elected to serve those communities. It is important for each council member to strengthen his governance and leadership capabilities, and the Pennsylvania Borough Councils Association (BCA) is intended to help cultivate each council member’s skills.

Membership in the BCA covers all council members and includes:

• Free registration to one webinar
• Membership session during the Fall Leadership Conference
• Membership session during the Annual Conference
• Opportunity to receive the “Council Member of the Year” award

For more information, click here or contact Josh Ehrman, Deputy Executive Director, at 800-232-7722, Ext. 1041 or

PA Borough Solicitors Association
The PA Borough Solicitors Association provides access to research and information through PSAB to help your process of providing legal advice and drafting ordinances. Click here for more information.

For more information, contact Shelley Houk, Executive Director, at 800-232-7722, Ext. 1018 or

PA Municipal Planning Education Institute
The Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute (PMPEI) offers courses for planning commissioners, zoning board members and administrators, elected officials, and others interested in planning or zoning. PMPEI presents classes in cooperation with the PA State Association of Boroughs.

The Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute (PMPEI) was formed in 1991 for the purpose of bringing instruction to the local planning and zoning officials who serve Pennsylvania’s more than 2,500 municipalities and counties. Interest in planning was growing at the time and the interest continues, but there was no education requirement for serving on these boards and few opportunities for them to learn.

For more information, visit